
Thursday, 19 September 2013

Denmark - via Holland and Germany

After leaving Amsterdam we decided to travel along a huge dijk that reduced the coastline of Holland from hundreds of kilometres to tens. It is called the Afsluidijk and is 30 kilometres long and 90m wide. On one side is the sea and on the other fresh water.

On this map the thin red line at the top with a monument is the dijk. The darker grey areas are reclaimed land.

We stopped at the monument and took the following picture:

We are standing on bridge crossing the road. You can just seen the van parked. The view in the other direction is very similar.

We moved to a campsite in rural Holland (48ft below sea level), surrounded by forests, huge fields of grass (cut for turf) and ancient megaliths. There was also an inland beach.

Needless to say we saw lots of windmills.

From here we moved into Germany, stayed overnight and then drove into Denmark.

We are staying in a small fishing village called Bork Havn in West Jutland in Denmark. It is on the edge of a large fjord and is apparently where the Vikings sailed from.
This wooden jellyfish sits on the harbourside. Strangely it has cotton lace attached to it.

We visited a viking village. Many of the buildings and artifacts have been reproduced.

In the village hall there was a large embroidery - rather like the Bayeux tapestry.

They had clothes for children to try on - I am quite small ...

I had always thought they wore knitted hats, but having watched a video showing lots of crafts (unfortunately in Danish) I realised they only used one needle. I shall have to learn this technique.

As well as the embroidery and the 'knitting' the vikings also made felt.

I loved the carvings and have a wonderful collection of photographs.

Onwards to Copenhagen ...

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